
Saturday, 25 July 2015

General Knowledge Answers - Day 26


1. Eastern Railway
   Eastern Railway was formed on 14th April, 1952 by integration of the East Indian Railway consisting of Sealdah, Howrah, Asansol and Danapur Divisions and the entire Bengal Nagpur Railway. Later on, the portion of BNR stretching from Howrah to Visakhapatnam in the South,

2. Faridabad
   Faridabad is the largest city in the north Indian state of 
Haryana, in Faridabad district. It is a leading industrial 
center and situated in the National Capital Region bordering the Indian capital New Delhi.

3. Anaemia
   a condition in which there is a deficiency of red cells or of 
haemoglobin in the blood, resulting in pallor and weariness.

4. The ultraviolet rays convert skin oil into Vitamin D 
   Vitamin D: Vitamin D is essential for bone health. Recent research suggests it may have other benefits, too, such as protecting against colds and fighting depression. Vitamin D has other roles in the body, including modulation of cell growth, neuromuscular and immune function, and reduction of inflammation 

5. Korea

6. Statutory liquidity Ratio

7. Production of Goods and services.

8. Scotland
    Scotland, the U.K.’s northernmost country, is a land of 
mountain wildernesses such as the Cairngorms and Western 
Highlands, interspersed with glacial glens (valleys) and lochs 
(lakes). Its major cities are Edinburgh, the capital, loomed 
over by its iconic castle, and Glasgow, famed for its vibrant 
cultural scene. Scotland is also the ‘home of golf’,

9. 21 years of above

10. Bangalore

11. Moraji Desai
    Morarji Desai, in full Morarji Ranchhodji Desai   (born Feb. 29, 1896, Bhadeli, Gujarat province, India—died April 10, 1995, Bombay, prime minister of India (1977–79), first leader of sovereign India not to represent the long-ruling Indian National Congress party.

12. leaf Movement

13. Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates

14. 30

15. Canada

16. Karnataka

17. Zila Parishad
    Zilla Parishad is at the apex of the Panchayti Raj system. 
Zilla Parishad is established at the district level. 
Chairman of all Panchayat Samitis in the district.
All the M.L.A.s and M.P.s of the district are the associate 
members of the Zilla Parishad. In some states they do not have the right to vote. 
Certain seats are reserved for scheduled castes, scheduled tribes and women candidates.
Representatives of co-operative societies and municipalities of the district are also its members.
The Deputy Commissioner of the district is the ex-officio 
members of the Zilla Parishad.

18. Ammonia
Ammonia or azane is a compound of nitrogen and hydrogen with the formula NH₃. It is a colourless gas with a characteristic pungent smell.
            At room temperature, ammonia is a colorless, highly 
irritating gas with a pungent, suffocating odor.
In pure form, it is known as anhydrous ammonia and is 
hygroscopic (readily absorbs moisture).
                                                       Ammonia gas dissolves easily in water to form ammonium  hydroxide, a caustic solution and weak base.
Ammonia gas is easily compressed and forms a clear liquid under pressure. Ammonia is usually shipped as a compressed liquid in steel containers.
Ammonia is not highly flammable, but containers of ammonia may explode when exposed to high heat.

19. 1938

20. Godavari River
    The Godavari is the second longest river in India after the 
river Ganga. It starts in Maharashtra and flows for 1,465 
kilometres into the Bay of Bengal via the states of Telangana 
and Andhra Pradesh.

21. Stem
    The stem is a part of the plant that holds up other 
structures such as the leaves and flowers. Stem in botany, the plant axis that bears buds and shoots with leaves and, at its basal end, roots. The stem is the stalk of a plant or the main trunk of a tree.

22. 26, November 1949

23. Nitric acid
    Nitric acid, also known as aqua fortis and spirit of niter, 
is a highly corrosive mineral acid. Nitric acid dissolves metals such as iron, copper, and silver. It is a strong oxidizing agent, a substance that readily accepts electrons from another substance. The pure compound is colorless, but older samples tend to acquire a yellow cast due to decomposition into oxides of nitrogen and water.

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