
My Collections

Q. 4. Which one of the following traits of’ metropolis is explained by its being called a racial and cultural melting pot?

(a) Heterogeneity

(b) Mobility

(c) Density

(d) Size

Ans. (a)

Q. 5. Which one of the following according to Selig Perlman, accounts for the rise of trade unions?

(a) Need for identity

(b) Job scarcity

(c) Exploitation

(d) Need for solidarity

Ans. (c)

Q. 6. The death of children below one year of life is known as:

(a) child mortality

(b) intra-uterine mortality

(c) neo-natal mortality

(d) infant mortality

Ans. (d)

Q. 7. Which of the following are factors on which the

population growth depends?

1. Birth rate, death rate, migration

2. Birth rate, death rate, in-migration

3. Poverty, high fertility, out-migration

4. High fertility, in-migration, no birth control

Select the correct answer by using the codes given


(a) 1 and 4

(b) 2 and 3

(c) 1 only

(d) 4 only

Ans. (a)

Q. 8. Which one of the following provides the best indication of future population trend?

(a) Child-women ratio

(b) Gross Reproduction Rate (G.R.R.)

(c) Net Reproduction Rate (N.R.R.)

(d) Standardized Birth Rates

Ans. (d)

Q. 9. The difference between the number of people, coming into the area and those going out of that area is called:

(a) volume of migration

(b) natural migration

(c) net migration

(d) gross migration

Ans. (c)

Q. 10. Match List- I with List -II and select the correct answer by using the codes given below the lists:

List – I                                                                            List – II

A. Highest density of population                               1. Uttar Pradesh

B. Highest number of females/l000 males                 2. Kerala

C. Largest size of population                                     3. Delhi

D. State with largest area                                           4. Madhya Pradesh



(a) 3 2 4 1

(b) 3 2 1 4

(c) 2 3 4 1

(d) 2 3 1 4

Ans. (b)

Q. 11. Low birth weight and pregnancy wastage in the population are primarily due to

(a) traditional practices

(b) maternal malnutrition

(c) female illiteracy

(d) insufficient health care

Ans. (b)

Q. 12. Which one of the following measures is used to compare the fertility behaviour of different countries?

(a) Crude birth rate

(b) Total fertility rate

(c) Cumulative fertility rate

(d) Standardized birth rate

Ans. (c)

Q. 13. Charismatic authority is-based on:

(a) extraordinary personal talent and grace

(b) belief in the validity of legal statute

(c) belief in the validity of fundamental competence

(d) sanctity of immemorial traditions

Ans. (a)

Q. 14. A pressure group is generally referred to as a/an:

(a) ethnic group

(b) informal group

(c) special interest group

(d) caste group

Ans. (b)

Q. 15. In Muslim marriage, the amount to be paid to the bride by the bridegroom at the time of divorce is known as:

(a) talaq

(b) mehar

(c) khula

(d) dahej

Ans. (b)

Q. 16. Which one of the following articles in the Indian Constitution empowers the President to appoint a Commission to investigate- the conditions of Backward Classes and suggest some ameliorative measures?

(a) Article 338

(b) Article 340

(c) Article 342

(d) Article 344

Ans. (b)

Q. 17. The term ‘Protective Discrimination’ is best described as:

(a) the provision of better opportunities only for the Scheduled Castes

(b) encouragement of a spirit of competition among various Scheduled Tribes

(c) providing only educational facilities in weaker sections

(d) providing correctional and welfare measures for the weaker sections.

Ans. (d)

Q. 18. Which one of the following is not correctly matched?

(a) Organic solidarity         : Mechanical solidarity

(b) Restitutive law             : Repressive law

(c) Segmentary society       : Organized society

(d) Specialized function     : Reciprocal function

Ans. (d)

Q. 19. Which one of the following functions is not associated with division of labour in society as viewed by Emile Durkheim?

(a) Collective conscience

(b) Density of population

(c) Organic interdependence

(d) Specialization of functions

Ans. (b)

Q. 20. In case a seemingly organized society is not well composed which of the following are likely to happen?

1. Frequent crisis situation

2. Discontinuity will retard unity

3. Incongruence between arrangements for carrying on specialized functions

4. Functions are assigned on the basis of birth and not worth.

Select the correct answer from the codes given below:

(a) 1, 2 and 3

(b) 1, 2 and 4

(c) 1, 3 and 4

(d) 2, 3 and 4

Ans. (a)

Q. 21. Match List -I with List –II and select the correct answer by using the codes given below the lists:

List- I                                                         List -II

A. Forces of Production                                  1. Herbert Spencer

B. Organic analogy                                         2. Karl Marx

C. Religious ethics                                          3. Ogburn

D. Cultural lag                                                4. Max Weber

5. Emile Durkheim



(a)  2 3 4 1

(b) 1 2 5 4

(c) 4 3 2 5

(d) 2 1 4 3

Ans. (d)

Q. 22. Who among the following opines that it is the being that determines the consciousness and not the consciousness that determines the being?

(a) Karl Marx

(b) Max Weber

(c) F. Hegel

(d) H. Spencer

Ans. (a)

Q. 23. Who among the following gave a linear explanation for the evolution of human societies?

(a) Pareto

(b) Weber

(c) Spencer

(d) Sorokin

Ans. (c)

Q. 24. Which of the following factors, according to Durkheim, obstruct changeover from mechanical to organic solidarity?

1. Anomie

2. Inadequate organization

3. Inequality of opportunities

Select the correct answer from the codes given below:

(a) 1 and 2

(c) 1 and 3

(b) 2 and 3

(d) 1, 2 and 3

Ans. (b)

Q. 25. Match List -I with List -II and select the correct answer by using the codes given below the lists:

List- I                                     List- II

A. Auguste Comte                      1. Materialism

B. Karl Marx                              2. Evolutionism

C. Herbert Spencer                     3. Positivism

D. Redcliffe Brown                    4. Functionalism

5. Existentialism



(a) 3 1 2 4

(b) 4 2 1 5

(c) 3 2 1 4

(d) 2 1 5 4

Ans. (a)

Q. 26. Which one of the following factors accounts for David McClelland’s views on economic growth and development?

(a) Personal qualities of gifted individuals

(b) Technological advancement

(c) Risk bearing capacity

(d) Preparedness to accept changing situation

Ans. (d)

Q. 27. Which one of the following best describes ‘science’?

(a) Method of understanding and explaining a phenomenon

(b) Way of making things

(c) Method of making a phenomenon work

(d) Way of gaining acquaintance with nature

Ans. (a)

Q. 28. Which one of the following is in dispute affecting Indian scientist in the international context?

(a) Foreign aid

(b) Foreign collaboration

(c) Technology, transfer

(d) Intellectual property rights

Ans. (d)

Q. 29. One of the important elements of the ethos of science

(a) emotional value

(b) organized skepticism

(c) organized scholasticism

(d) commitment to human values

Ans. (d)

Q. 30. Which of the following are factors in terms of which the adoption of agricultural innovations by the cultivators in India can be explained?

1. Agriculture entrepreneurship

2. Efforts by the extension agencies.

3. Price incentive

Select the correct answer from the codes given below:

(a) 1 and 2

(c) 1 and 3

(b) 2 and 3

(d) 1, 2 and 3

Ans. (d)

Q. 31. Which of the following statements are correct?

1. Change in technology leads to change in culture

2. Change in culture leads to change in technology

3. Change to technology leads to change in technology

Select the correct answer from the codes given below:

(a) 1 and 2

(b) 2 and 3

(c) l and 3

(d) l, 2 and 3

Ans. (d)

Q. 32. Who among the following gave the example of the invention of self-starter for automobiles as-the reason for early women’s liberation in the west?

(a) W. J. Goode

(b) W.E. Moore

(c) W.F. Ogbum

(d) W.G. Sumner

Ans. (a)

Q. 33. Which one of the following incidents prompted Vinoba Bhave to initiate the Bhoodan Movement in India?

(a) Nalgonda incident

(b) Srikakulam incident

(c) Naxalbari incident

(d) Madhubani incident

Ans. (a)

Q. 34. Who among the following are not associated with Backward Caste Movement in India?

1. Sri Narayan Guru

2. B.R. Ambedkar

3. Jyothiba Phule

Select the correct answer from the codes given below:

(a) 1 and 2

(b) 1 and 3

(c) 2 and 3

(d) 1, 2 and 3

Ans. (a)

Q. 35. A basic distinction between culture and civilization is:

(a) culture is what we have achieved and civilization is what we aspire to achieve

(b) culture is what comes but of intelligence and civilization is not

(c) culture is secondary and civilization is primary

(d) culture is what we are and civilization is what we have

Ans. (d)

Q. 36 Who among the following marked three stages of the development of human society as savagery, barbarism and civilization?

(a) A.L. Kroeber

(b) C. Darwin

(c) H. Spencer

(d) L.H. Morgan

Ans. (d)

Q. 37. Everything is right somewhere bit not everywhere.

This refers to:

(a) cultural universals

(b) cultural relativity

(c) counter-culture

(d) cultural pluralism

Ans. (b)

Q. 38. When cultural traits spread from one society to another, the process is called:

(a) diffusion

(b) parallelism.

(c) evolution

(d) pluralism

Ans. (a)

Q. 39. The concept of cultural lag explains that there is faster rate of change in the:

(a) economic sector of society in comparison to non-economic sectors

(b) political domain of society in comparison to economic domain

(c) technological sector of society in comparison to cultural sectors

(d) religious activities of society in comparison to cultural activities

Ans. (a)

Q. 40. Ethnocentrism is dysfunctional to:

(a) intra-group relations

(b) peer group relations

(c) inter-group relations

(d) community relations

Ans. (c)

Q. 41. The concept of institutionalization is crucial to Parsons Conceptualization of Social System. He views it as a:

(a) process and as a structure

(b) function and as a framework

(c) framework and as a structure

(d) structure and as a function

Ans. (d)

Q. 42. When a passenger goozes an air hostess, who in turn gives him a dirty look, in terms of Max Weber’s categories her reaction would be classifiable as:

(a) emotional action

(b) social action

(c) rational action

(d) traditional action

Ans. (c)

Q. 43. According to R.K. Merton, a role set is:

(a) a set of roles performed by the members in any group

(b) an array of associated roles related to particular social status

(c) a set of roles of equal status in any group

(d) an array of roles hierarchically ordered in any group

Ans. (b)

Q. 44. Social distance is often associated with a scaling technique developed b:

(a) Thurstone

(b) Likert

(c) Moreno

(d) Bogardus

Ans. (c)

Q. 45. What is the correct sequence of the following?

1. Agrarian societies

2. Hunting and gathering societies.

3. Industrial societies

4. Horticultural societies.

Select the correct answer from the codes given below:

(a) 2, 4, 1, 3

(b) 1, 2, 4, 3

(c) 2, 1, 4, 3

(d) 4, 2, 1, 3

Ans. (a)

Q. 46. A society characterized by the absence of’ barriers to social mobility is called:

(a) ideal society

(b) dynamic society

(c) closed society

(d) open society

Ans. (d)

Q. 47. Which of the following characteristics are associated with primary group?

1. Small size

2. Self-interest

3. Similarity of background

4. Intensity of shared interests

Select the correct answer from the codes given below:

(a) 1, 2 and 3

(b) 2, 3 and 4

(c) 1, 3 and 4

(d) 1, 2 and 4

Ans. (c)

Q. 48. A group to which we compare ourselves when we judge our own status is called :

(a) kin group

(b) peer group

(d) reference group

(c) secondary group

Ans. (d)

Q. 49. A change in social position that does not alter a person’s status is

(a) social immobility

(b) horizontal mobility

(c) vertical mobility

(d) structural mobility

Ans. (b)

other 214 bits

1. ------------ is the father of sociology
A. Comte B. Durkheim C. Spencer D. Cooley

2. Who has described “society as a web of social relationships.”?
A. Mead B. Ogburn C. Leacock D. MacIver

3. Name the author of the book ‘Primitive Culture’
A. Majumdar B. Lundberg C. Tylor D. Malinowski

4. Classification of groups into in-group and out-group was presented by whom among the
A. Tonnies B. Cooley C. Homans D. Sumner

5. “Contact & communication are the two main conditions of social interaction.” Who said so?
A. Horton & Hunt B. Park & Burgess C. Ogburn & Nimkoff D. MacIver & Page

6. Which of the following is not a characteristic of primary group?
A. Intimacy B. Closeness C. Familiarity D. Impersonality

7. Which one of the following will you categories as achieved status
A. Sex B. Age C. Marital D. Caste

8. Which among the following is an informal method of social control?
A. Customs B. Coercion C. Law D. Education

9. Studies of social interaction, groups etc. belong to ------------ sociology.
A. Urban B. Macro C. Applied D. Micro

10. A role is the ---------- aspect of status.
A. Counter B. Dynamic C. Static D. Latent

11. Weber conceived of sociology as a comprehensive science of social --------------.
A. Groups B. Action C. Interaction D. Institutions

12. Who coined the term primary group?
A. Comte B. Ginsberg C. Cooley D. Gisbert

13. Name one macro sociologist from the following.
A. Simmel B. Goffman C. Weber D. Durkheim

14. Group characterized by impersonal relationships and self-interests.
A. In-group B. Gesellschaft C. Secondary D. Both B&C

15. Contradictory demands of the same role is termed as
A. Role Strain B. Role Playing C. Role Conflict D. None of the Above

16. ___________ help meet the basic needs of society.
A. Associations B. Social Groups C. Social Institutions D. Interactions

17. ___________ is the vehicle of culture.
A. Technology B. Man C. Society D. Language

18. “Culture is the man-made part of environment.” Who said so?
A. E. B. Tylor B. M.J. Herskovits C. R.Brown D. K. Davis

19. The term sociology is derived from the ________ word socius and __________ word logos.
A. Latin, Greek B. Greek, Latin C. Hebrew, Latin D. Hebrew, Greek

20. The term sociology is coined in the year
A. 1798 B. 1829. C. 1839 D. 1818

21. Who wrote ‘The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life’ (1959)?
A. Garfinkel B. Goffman C. Gillin & Gillin D. Giddings

22. Who presented the idea of ‘cultural lag’?
A. Ogburn B. Malinowski C. MacIver D. Risley

23. __________ is a socially defined position in a group or society.
A. Role B. Interaction C. Status D. Deviance

24. _________ theory states that people are motivated by self-interest in the interactions with
other people.
A. Conflict B. Exchange C. Interaction D. Structural

25. The smallest group possible.
A. Peer group B. Family C. Dyad D. Primary group

26. The term ‘reference group’ was introduced by
A. Muzafer Sherif B. H. M. Johnson C. Horton & Hunt D. Morris Ginsberg

27. Social exchange theory was introduced by _____________.
A. G. Homans B. G. H. Mead C. Goffman D. Peter Blau

28. Interaction without social contact
A. Conflict B. Competition C. Co-operation D. Exchange

29. Who classified groups into small groups and large groups?
A. Tonnies B. Park &Burgess C. Simmel D. Sumner

30. Name one American sociologist, who is known as the founder of behavioral sociology and
exchange theory.
A. T.Parsons B. B.F.Skinner C. H. Blumer D. G. C. Homans

31. The term sociology was coined by ____________.
A. Spencer B. Comte C. W.Thomson D. Durkheim

32. Who pioneered the idea of scientific study of society?
A. Plato B. Adam Smith C. Auguste Comte D. John Graunt

33. “Culture is the sum total of knowledge, belief, art morals, law, customs and any other
capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society.” Who define so?
A. Linton B. Spencer C. Redfield D. Tylor

34. The components of material culture are __________ and objective.
A. External B. Internal C. Tangible D. Both A&C

35.___________ represent the most superficial manifestation of culture.
A. Symbols B. Rituals C. Values D. Norms

36. The core of a culture is formed by ___________.
A. Art B. Values C. Technology D. Traditions

37. Name the system adopted by a given society to guide family or blood relationship.
A. Marriage B. Culture C. Kinship D. Taboos

38. __________of individuals is an important feature of social group.
A. Contact B. Interaction C. Communication D. Relation

39. Sociology is the science of interpretative understanding of social ___________.
A. Action B. Interaction C. Group D. Institution

40. Name the forms of procedure which are recognized & accepted by society and govern the
relations between individuals and groups.
A. Society B. Social Action C. Institutions D. Interaction

41. __________ provides a definite role and status to individual.
A. Group B. Society C. Collectivity D. Institution

42. ___________ was the first to throw light on the structure of society.
A. Comte B. Durkheim C. Spencer D. Parsons

43. The parts of social structure are _________ everywhere.
A. The same B. Different C. Irregular D. Distinct

44. Structure is useless without __________.
A. Role B. Order C. Function D. Status

45. ___________ is the basic ingredient of social relationships.
A. Group B. Awareness C. Bonding D. Interaction

46. Society is rooted in which concept.
A. Action B. Interaction C. Roles D. Culture

47. Name the reciprocal influence human beings exert on each other through interstimulation
and response.
A. Social interaction B. Social relation C. Social groups D. Co-operation

48. Human interaction is essentially _____________ interaction.
A. Competitive B. Co-operative C. Communicative D. Deliberate

49. “Social structure is concerned with the principal forms of social organization….” Who said
A. Miller B. Ginsberg C. Green D. Ogburn

50. Human beings organize themselves into groups called ___________, for the achievement of
some object or goal.
A. Institutions B. Community C. Society D. None of the above

51. According to Talcott Parsons, all the units of social structure are __________.
A. Concrete B. Tangible C. Abstract D. Explicit

52. _______ denotes the functional significance of the actor for the social system.
A. Status B. Action C. Mores D. Role

53. A _____________ may be defined as a plurality of individuals who are in contact with one
A. Group B. Institution C. Social Structure D. Society

54. “Whenever two or more individuals come together and influence one another, they may be
said to constitute a social group.”Who defined so?
A. MacIver & Page B. Green C. Simmel D. Ogburn & Nimkoff

55. __________ is a natural growth.
A. Association B. Institution C. Organization D. None of the above

56. Institution is comparatively ___________.
A. Permanent B. Temporary C. Artificial D. Transitory

57. A social group is ______________ in nature.
A. Static B. Dynamic C. Spontaneous D. Co-operative

58. The German sociologist Simmel considered _________ as a criterion for classifying groups.
A. Nature of contact B. Interaction C. Size D. Nature of membership

59. Name an involuntary group.
A. Race B. Club C. Political party D. Dyad

60. ___________ classified groups into genetic and congregate groups.
A. Charles A. Ellwood B. Giddings C. Sumner D. Simmel

61. In which book Sumner’s classification of groups appearing?
A. The Science of Society B. Protectionism C. Folkways D. None of the above

62. In Tonnies classification of groups, __________ is defined as ‘public life’.
A. Gesellschaft B. Gemeinschaft C. Community D. None of the above

63. Contradictory demands of different roles individuals perform is termed as
A. Role strain B. Role identity C. Role conflict D. Role playing

64. Gemeinschaft is translated into English as ________.
A. Association B. Community C. Corporation D. Institution

65. Name the author of the book ‘Social Organization’, which contains a major classification of
A. Sumner B. Park & Burgess C. C.H. Cooley D. Tonnies

66. The __________ groups are characterized by sympathetic contact.
A. Secondary B. Congregate C. Reference D. Primary

67. “A social group is a system of social interaction.” Who defined so?
A. H.M.Johnson B. Marshal Jones C. Bogardus D.Simmel

68. _________ refers to the tendency on the part of the members to identify themselves with
the groups.
A. Group unity B. Group norms C. We-feeling D. Mutual awareness

69. “Man is a social animal.” Who said so?
A. Comte B. Aristotle C. Plato D. Karl Marx

70. ________ groups are known as residual categories.
A. Primary B. Peer C. Informal D. Secondary

71. Name an unorganized group.
A. Crowd B. Family C. Friends D. Party

72. “An Outline of Social Psychology” is written by
A. C.H.Cooley B. Sigmund Freud C. Muzafer Sherif D. G.H. Mead

73. Who classified groups into territorial and non-territorial groups?
A. Horton & Hunt B. Park & Burgess C. MacIver & Page D. C.H. Cooley

74. The distinction between in-group and out-group is ____________.
A. Simple B. Tangible C. Concrete D. Overlapping

75. Whose classification of group states that,’ an individual’s group identification changes in
A. Sumner B. Simmel C. Cooley D. Park & Burgess

76. ______________ is a characteristic of in-group.
A. Formality B. Competition C. Primary relation D. Ethnocentrism

77. The __________ group is the nucleus of all social organization.
A. Secondary B. Formal C. Primary D. Small

78. ____________ makes possible the “conversation of gestures.”
A. Cyber space B. Language C. Physical proximity D. Group

79. Any form of social encounter between individuals is termed as ____________.
A. Conflict B. Social interaction C. Deviance D. None of the above

80. Name the expected behaviour of an individual occupying a particular social position.
A. Role B. Norm C. Ritual D. Folkways

81. Patterns of interaction between individuals or groups.
A. Social group B. Social interaction C. Social structure D. Social control

82. The application of imaginative thought to the asking and answering of sociological questions
is known as ______________.
A. Sociological imagination B. Sociological consciousness
C. Sociological questions D. Sociological thought

83. The group which is more influential than family among the adolescents is __________.
A. Occupational group B. Peer group C. Out-group D. Religion

84. Name the control of society over individual.
A. Custom B. Social control C. State D. Sanction

85. The groups to which the persons belong are __________.
A. Peer groups B. Genetic groups C. Collectivity D. Membership groups

86. ___________ form an essential element of all sociological works.
A. Concepts B. Imagination C. Theories D. variables

87. In ___________ interaction, interaction occurs among people who are present in the same
setting, but are not engaged in face- to- face communication.
A. Focused B. Formal C. Unfocused D. Informal

88. Relative deprivation is central to ____________ behavior.
A. Cultural B. Urban C. Individual D. Reference group

89. The term sociological imagination was coined by ________.
A. Sorokin B. Wright Mills C. Giddens D. Parsons

90. Social status based on an individual’s effort.
A. Achieved B. Ascribed C. Merit D. None of the above

91. Compulsion of proximity is the need felt by individuals to __________ with others in face-
to- face settings.
A. Contact B. Interact C. Communicate D. Group

92. _________ is any act that contravenes the laws established by a political authority.
A. Rejection B. Innovation C. Crime D. Ritualism

93. The co-existence of several subcultures within a given society on equal terms.
A. Cultural relativism B. Counter culture C. Cultural pluralism D. Mass culture

94. ________ is one of the most distinctive properties of human social association.
A. Culture B. Society C. Interaction D. Group

95. Criminal activities by means of electronic networks.
A. Corporate crimes B. White collar crimes C. Deviance D. Cyber crimes

96. Questions posed by sociologists when looking at the origins and development of social
institutions from the past to present are ____________ questions.
A. Sociological B. Comparative C. Developmental D. Analytical

97. Modes of action which do not conform to the norms of a society.
A. Violence B. Deviance C. Rejection D. Crime

98. Features of social life that challenges or creates tensions in a social system.
A. Dysfunction B. Problems C. Anarchy D. Anomie

99. Questions that examine the social meaning or patterns of a phenomenon are ___________
A. Developmental B. Sociological C. Theoretical D. Abstract

100. Functionalism and conflict theories tend towards ________ sociological analysis.
A. Micro B. Modern C. Macro D. Current

101. In _____________, interaction between individuals engaged in a common activity or a
direct conversation with one another happens.
A. Unfocused B. Direct C. Formal D. Focused

102. The concept of social control first came in the work of ___________.
A. Ogburn B. E. A. Ross C. Durkheim D. G. H. Mead

103. Questions that raise issues concerning matters of fact rather than theoretical or moral
issues are termed as __________ questions.
A. Comparative B. Empirical C. Moral D. Factual

104. Name the relations which exist in groups, developed on the basis of personal connections.
A. Formal B. Informal C. indirect D. Secondary

105. The study of large scale organizations or social systems belongs to _________ sociology.
A. Micro B. Industrial C. Macro D. Descriptive

106. A friendship group composed of individuals of similar age and social status.
A. Categories B. Peer group C. In-group D. Triad

107. An initial act of crime or deviance is known as __________.
A. Stealing B. Primary deviance C. Malpractice D. None of the above

108. ___________ are formalized modes of behavior in which the members of a group regularly
A. Rituals B. Festivals C. Traditions D. Social control

109. A mode of reward or punishment that reinforces socially expected forms of behavior.
A. Law B. Culture C. Education D. Sanction

110. Culture bound or culture specific traits are known as ________ culture.
A. Emic B. Counter C. Etic D. Universal

111. An artificial and highly commercialized culture popularized through mass media.
A. Universal culture B. Urban culture C. Mass culture D. None of the above

112. A process by which cultural borrowing and lending take place
A. Assimilation B. Acculturation C. Enculturation D. Diffusion

113. A group to which individuals refer when making judgments.
A. Voluntary group B. Membership group C. In-group D. Reference group

114. The most fundamental term in sociology is __________.
A. Group B. Society C. Individual D. Social relation

115. The transference of cultural elements from one sphere to another is called ________.
A. Acculturation B. Evolution C. Diffusion D. Dominatio

116. The book “The Sociological Imagination” is written by
A. Parsons B. Brewer C. Elliot D. Wright Mills

117. “Sociological imagination is the vivid awareness of the relationship between experience
and the wider society."Who said so?
A. Giddens B. Berger C. Mills D. Goffman

118. Who coined the terms ‘public issues’ & ‘private troubles’ in sociology?
A. Durkheim B. Wright mills C. Garfinkel D. None of the above

119. Which of these statements best represents C. Wright-Mills’s idea of ‘the sociological
A. understanding the differences between the classical theorists
B. bringing together private troubles and public issues
C. seeing the social world as one made up of ‘social facts’
D. None of the above

120. Sociology has been said to be the product of ____________ revolution.
A. Chinese B. Russian C. French D. American

121. Sociological ___________ allows people to see the relationship between their personal
experiences and broader social and historical events.
A. Consciousness B. Imagination C. Questions D. Theory

122. Name the person who introduced the concept ‘cultural relativism’ for the first time.
A. Herskovits B. Franz Boas C. Sumner D. Tylor

123. Segmented personality involvement exists in ____________ group.
A. In-group B. Secondary C. Informal D.Primary

124. A number of people who share common characteristics are known as __________.
A. Association B. Categories C. Aggregates D. Groups

125. Status and role are two building blocks of social _________.
A. Structure B. Action C. Interaction D. Control

126. Group in which individuals interact over a long period of time on a direct and personal
A. Formal group B. Large group C. Reference group D. Primary group

127. Impersonal and transitory interaction exists in ___________ groups.
A. Primary B. In-group C. Social D. Secondary

128. Name the recurring patterns of behavior and interaction which are invisible, pervasive,
enduring, constraining and yet, render social life predictable and orderly form.
A. Social structure B. Social control C. Social group D. Social interaction

129. __________ are relatively stable structures which meet the basic social needs of people.
A. Groups B. Interactions C. Institutions D. Roles

130. “A status is a socially defined position in a group or society that an individual occupies.”
Who defined so?
A. Merton B. Linton C. Ginsberg D. Johnson

131. The most important status a person occupies, the one that most defines a person’s social
identity and general social position.
A. Ascribed status B. Master status C. Social status D. Achieved status

132. Non-conformity to a set of norms is known as __________.
A. Crime B. Habit C. Deviance D. None of the above

133. __________ is the set of socially prescribed ways a role ought to be played.
A. Role performance B. Role set C. Role playing D. Role expectation

134. ___________ tell individuals how to behave in given situations.
A. Values B. Laws C. Norms D. Rituals

135. Specific guidelines for behavior are termed as ____________.
A. Customs B. Norms C. Laws D. Traditions

136. ____________ are general abstract moral principles defining what is right or wrong.
A. Values B. Folkways C. Sanctions D. Rules

137. In __________ groups, interaction occurs over limited periods of time and geared to some
specialized purpose.
A. In-group B. Secondary C. Genetic D. Involuntary

138. For Tonnies, ___________ is the form of social cohesion prevalent in pre-industrial
A. Collectivity B. Gesselschaft C. Gemeinschaft D. Congregate

139. Who provided the classification of dyad and triad?
A. Sumner B. Simmel C. Sorokin D. Ogburn

140. Which among the following is an indirect method of social control?
A. Folkways B. Propaganda C. Customs D. Religion

141. The concept of ‘themes’ in the analysis of cultural integration is provided by __________.
A.Tylor B. Kluckhohn C. Ruth Benedict D. Morris Opler

142. Action oriented to a social norm or norms is known as ____________.
A. Acceptance B. Control C. Conformity D. Approval

143 The society maintains its order by means of __________ system.
A. Normative B. Interaction C. Cultural D. Conventional

144. __________ interaction consists of vocal or other gestures and language, spoken or
A. Direct B. Symbolic C. Social D. Personal

145. Name the people who act in consonance with the norms.
A. Deviants B. Followers C. Crowd D. Conformists

146. ___________ reinforces the norms and guarantees the regularity of conformity.
A. Utility B. Social control C. Habituation D. Group identification

147. ___________ is more or less a loss or defect of a critical part in a complicated mechanism.
A. Corruption B. Deviance C. Rebellion D. Rejection

148. Who coined the term ethnocentrism?
A. Malinowski B. Franz Boas C. Sumner D. Margaret Mead

149. The book “The Sociological Imagination” was published in which year?
A. 1839 B. 1996 C. 2004 D. 1959

150. Emotional warmth and spontaneity exist in __________ group.
A. Social B. Primary C. Secondary D. Special

151. In which book Ogburn coined the term cultural lag.
A. Technology and the Changing Family, 1953
B. Social Characteristics of Cities, 1937
C. Social Change with Respect to Culture and original Nature, 1922
D. None of the above

152. Conformity implies behaving in accordance with the _________.
A. Groups B. Culture C. Situations D. Norms

153. Sociologists take a ___________ view when they focus on how people interact with each
A. Macro B. Psychological C. Micro D. Historical

153. C. Wright Mills called __________ as the ability to see the impact of social forces on
A. Sociability B. Sociological imagination C. Social consciousness D. Commonsense

154. The degree to which people are tied to a social group is called social ________.
A. Integration B. Interaction C. Contact D. We-feeling

155. ___________ is a negative social sanction.
A. Praise B. Suggestion C. Reward D. Punishment

156. _________ represent ‘standardized generalization’ concerning expected modes of
A. Values B. Customs C. Norms D. Sanctions

157. Those sanctions which inflict pain or threaten to do so are termed as ________ sanctions.
A. Direct B. Negative C. Legal D. Positive

158. In primary groups and in small, simple societies, sanctions are _________ in nature.
A. Informal B. Formal C. Irregular D. Regular

159. __________ constitute the treasury of our social heritage.
A. Norms B. Folkways C. Customs D. Laws

160. Who introduced the term ‘folkways’ in sociological literature?
A. Simmel B. Merton C. Sherif D. Sumner

161. A secondary group is regulated by __________ rules.
A. Informal B. Natural C. Formal D. Personal

162. A social relationship in society involves __________ awareness.
A. Personal B. Reciprocal C. Self D. Social

163. The Latin term ‘socius’ means
A. Study B. Sociology C. Companion D. Science

164. Caste status is an example of ____________ status.
A. Ascribed B. Achieved C. General D. Social

165. The long established habits and usages of people
A. Norms B. Rituals C. Customs D. Manners

166. Without __________, there can be no group.
A. Society B. Culture C. Relation D. Individuals

167. Name the group which provides experience, lacking in intimacy.
A. Social group B. Primary group C. Secondary group D. Peer Group

168. Knowledge is an example of ______________ culture.
A. Material B. Non-material C. Explicit D. None of the above

169. _____________ accepts the value of all cultures.
A. Cultural relativism B. Ethnocentrism C. Xenocentrism D. Pluralism

170. _____________ culture refers to the intangible elements of culture.
A. Material B. Non-material C. Explicit D. Mass

171. Name the culturally based tendency to value other cultures more highly than one’s own.
A. Ethnocentrism B. Cultural relativism C. Acculturation D. Xenocentrism

172. The strain that exists between two correlated parts of culture that change at unequal rates
of speed is termed as ____________.
A. Mental strain B. social deviance C. Cultural lag D. Culture construct

173. _____________ is judging another culture solely by the values and standards of one’s own
A. Universalism B. Ethnocentrism C. Xenocentrism D. Racism

174. Name the blending or fusing of minority groups into the dominant society.
A. Acculturation B. Diffusion C. Evolution D. Assimilation

175. _____________ is the integrated system of learned behavior patterns.
A. Culture B. Group C. Institution D. Society

176. “Deviance is the behavior that is contrary to the standards of conduct or social
expectations of a given group or society.”Who defined so?
A. M. B. Clinard B. Louise Weston C. R. K. Merton D. Durkheim

177. Name the author of the book ‘Contemporary Social Theory’.
A. George Ritzer B. Lewis A. Coser C. Anthony Elliott D. Richard T. Schaefer

178. Who has propounded that “the primary groups the nursery of human nature”?
A. Sumner B. Cooley C. MacIver & Page D. Horton & Hunt

179. When the “we” feeling becomes excessive, it results in _____________.
A. Assimilation B. Diffusion C. Cultural relativism D. Ethnocentrism

180. “Institution is an organized cluster of folkways and mores centered around a major human
activity.” Who said so?
A. Durkheim B. Horton C. Parsons D. Bogardus

181. The _____________ status is the position assigned to an individual without reference to
his innate differences and abilities.
A. Social B. Ascribed C. Group D. Achieved

182. “Role is the sum total of the culture patterns associated with a particular status.” Who
defined so?
A. Ogburn B. Merton C. Cooley D. Linton

183. The ___________ group is the universal human relationship.
A. Primary B. Secondary C. Social D. Small

184. The central aspect of the __________ group is identification rather than actual
A. In-group B. Primary C. Reference D. Horizontal

185. ___________ develops nationalism and love of country.
A. We-feeling B. Ethnocentrism C. Cultural relativism D. Social control

186. ____________ is the spread of a culture pattern from one culture area to another.
A. Acculturation B. Assimilation C. Enculturation D. Culture diffusion

187. ___________ sociology focuses upon large-scale and long-term social processes of
organizations, institutions, and broad social patterns.
A. General B. Micro C. Classical D. Macro

188. The basic unit of cultural reality is the cultural __________.
A. Complex B. Trait C. Theme D. Construct

189. __________ status requires special qualities.
A. Achieved B. Social C. Ascribed D. None of the above

190. Identify a slow and gradual process from the following.
A. Assimilation B. Acculturation C. Integration D.Diffusion

191. Name one micro sociologist.
A. Durkheim B. Comte C. Simmel D. None of the above

192. ___________ culture is communicated mostly to the like-minded.
A. Non-material B. Explicit C. Material D. Utilitarian

193. “Values are general standards, and may be regarded as higher order norms.” Who said it?
A. MacIver B. H. M. Johnson C. Weber D. Nimkoff

194. The material and non-material components of culture are often referred to as the
_________ of culture.
A. Theme B. Combination C. Content D. Concept

195. Who considered culture as an instrument which enables man to secure bio-psychic
A. Radcliffe Brown B. Merton C. Malinowski D. Weber

196. Amalgamation favors the process of ____________.
A. Acculturation B. Diffusion C. Assimilation D. None of the above

197. Who introduced ‘positivism’ in sociology?
A. Durkheim B. Weber C. Comte D. Mills

198. A _________ is a larger group to which any individual belongs.
A. State B. Society C. Crowd D. Category

199. Cultural __________ are nothing but larger clusters of traits organized about some nuclear
point of reference.
A. Complex B. Patterns C. Elements D. Traits

200. Identify the author of the book ‘Social Control’ which was published in 1901.
A. C. H. Cooley B. W. G. Sumner C. E. A. Ross D. Mannheim

201. “Law is the body of rules which are recognized, interpreted and applied to particular
situations by the courts of the State.” Who provided this definition?
A. Kant B. Green C. Weber D. MacIver & Page

202. The opinion held by people on any issue for the welfare of the whole community.
A. Personal opinion B. Public opinion C. Verdict D. Petitions

203. Band-wagon is a technique used by _________.
A. Propagandist B. Public C. Deviants D. Police

204. Durkheim defined __________ as “unified system of beliefs and practices relative to
sacred things.”
A. Ritual B. Sanctions C. Religion D. Custom

205. _________ is applied to designate those groups which not only differ from the prevailing
patterns but sharply challenge them.
A. Culture trait B. Contra culture C. Cultural pattern D. Culture area

206. “Culture is the sum total of human achievements, material as well as non-material, capable
of transmission, sociologically- by tradition & communication, vertically as well as horizontally.”
Who defined so?
A. Lapiere B. Bierstedt C. Mazumdar D. Hoebel

207. “Sociology tells us how to become what we want to be.” Who said so?
A. Comte B. Gisbert C. Giddings D. Ginsberg

208. Who provided the distinction between institutional and non-institutional groups?
A. Charles A. Ellwood B. Giddings C. Sanderson D. Simmel

209. Which is not a characteristic of groups?
A. Plurality of individuals B. Reciprocity C. Antagonism D. We-feeling

210. Society depends on ______________.
A. Artificiality B. Difference C. Consciousness D. Likeness

211. Sociology throws light on the __________ nature of man.
A. Animal B. Social C. Psychological D. Motivational

212. In secondary groups, membership is ___________.
A. Ascribed B. Voluntary C. Involuntary D. Innate

213. The concept ‘consciousness of kind’ is a significant contribution of __________.
A. Sumner B. Parsons C. Giddings D. Berger

214. __________ implies a value-judgement about the folkways.

A. Sanction B. Custom C. Tradition D. Mores

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